Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hello.. I actually asked this before but I think ppl misread or misunderstood my question. I actually went for a blood test at a polyclinic. I'm from Singapore by the way. So I was waiting for the nurse. But I did not see her take a new needle. She just inserted a needle into me, i didn't see whr she took it from or if it was a new needle. So now I am like worried. What if she didnt use a new needle? I think i am having HYPOCHONDRIAC PARANOIA? I keep thinking I'm gg to be infected with HIV/or other blood borne diseases because I'm nt sure if she used a new needle. It has been going on for a week now, I lost all my appetite, sleep, social life etc.. How do I stop thinking about it? It's like I keep worrying about it..should I worry bout it?
Mental Health - 4 Answers
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1 :
Was the polyclinic in Singapore? Did you not have any concerns before she inserted the needle and could you not have checked that it was a new needle? You say you have had your symptoms for one week now, where are the results of the blood test? Surely getting them is the key to your problems? I really think you are worrying way too much. Correct me if I am wrong, but clinics, hospitals and all things medical are of excellent quality and the chance of this having happened is very remote. Go and get the blood test results or go back to the clinic and explain your fears. They are real enough and you have to confront them with those who you think are responsible. Otherwise you will just continue to carry this burden and drive yourself crazy.
2 :
I'm paranoid about alot of things too except its very minor and its just how i am, nothing medical. Look just let go of it enjoy life. If the doctors find out u hav HIV or something then that was just gods plan for u. Hope this helps
3 :
Okay, if she didn't use a new needle, she would have been in a lot of trouble. I have NEVER seen someone specifically pick out a new needle when they took my blood or gave me a shot, they just already had one there. They probably laid it out beforehand. What are the odds that it would even have a disease anyway? If you do get sick, which you won't, you could sue for a lot of money! You're obsessing about this, and that's not healthy. Do you obsess about things like this a lot? It's probably not hypochondria, you're just obsessing. If you do this a lot you may have obsessive-compulsive disorder.
4 :
Don't worry and calm down! You're not a hypchondriac if you don't worry about every single illness and disease going around. If she was a nurse, that the needle was most definitely clean and new. If it wasn't, it would have been sterilised before hand. Also, if you would have contracted something, you would have got it by now and you would be in A LOT worser state. I hope this helps x

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

any good advice

any good advice?
my sister recently passed the board examination (for nurses) here in the philippines.. then our parents keep on insisting that she should get an experience here in the philippines for 6 months then she should go to singapore to work there (they say its good for her career).. she's confused if its a good idea and i don't know what to advice her..
Other - Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
I think that will be great! (if your sister is ready to leave the country and this won't be very hard for her)
2 :
I suspec that thetwo countries have different ways of doing things so it would probably be a good experience as far as her career goes. It is her life. I live in Canada and I know that nurses from the Phillipines often have to do some retraining when they come here but I don't know if that is just receritifcation or if they need further training. However, does SHE want to do it?
3 :
She needs to make up her own mind about what she wants to do. However, getting experience is crucial for doing anything else.

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

pre employment exam

pre employment exam?
i recently took a pre employment exam, according to the nurse , i need to undergo a breast and thyroid ultrasound, and so i did. The sonologist said that she saw something but it is very small. Should i worry, and will it become a hindrance to my dream job? i scheduled to fly for singapore next month. I am considered "Not fit to Work"?
Other - Careers & Employment - 2 Answers
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1 :
I dont think so, useally those small mass or cyst were benign and they just need to be monitored every six months just to make sure that they are not growing into cancer cells. Just follow the requirements of the doctor if you need something to intake then just buy it.
2 :
It could or could not be anything, let the hospital do what need to be done,so you can get a clean bill of health.Â

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Patient has cancer, family members requests not to disclose diagnosis, how am i liable ethically and legally

Patient has cancer, family members requests not to disclose diagnosis, how am i liable ethically and legally?
My patient has colorectal cancer, she has been told that her cancer is benign, and has been found out early, so theres no worry. her daughter, a nurse told her that. (but is malignant, and i'm the nurse in charge of her.) In an asian context, her daughter claimed that by revealing the diagnosis to her mother, she would "lose hope on living". Therefor, she has only been notified of a "benign tumor" and has underwent a colorectomy, which was to no avail, and now, is undergoing radiotherapy. I was the nurse who was asked to be the witness, for the consent of her colorectomy. Scenario - patient kept in dark about diagnosis, but still undergoes procedures, and signs consent. I am nurse in charge, witnessed consent, and not telling patient diagnosis (breech of patient's right at request of patient's daughter) I would like to know, "how screwed i am?" in other words, what are the legal, and ethical issues i am bound to given this scenario? scenario with regards to singapore context. Thx
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
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1 :
I don't know about SIngapore, but in the US, withholding information from the patient is kind of a big deal.
2 :
I have a few questions..Is the daughter DPOA? Is the patient with dementia and unable to make her own decisions? I can't imagine not knowing my own diagnoses!
3 :
Well first of all in the nursing code of ethic we first and foremost have the duty to our patients above and beyond all else Provision !. Secondly unless the daughter is the MPOA then the patient has a right to know her prognosis, diagnosis, and all alternative treatment according to the laws of Informed Consent. Th epatient has a right to all this knowledge. I reccommend callign for an ethical consult Immediately as this is an unjustice to your patient, and you have the position of being advocate to your patient.
4 :
Personally,I wouldn't want my name on any papers as a witness if my patient didn't know their diagnosis.I think everyone has the right to know their prognosis. In nursing school,our instructor told us to never sign as a witness to anything,that is the families responsibility.The legal possibilities are too great if there are problems down the road.The daughter could very easily turn on you and say she never told you to not tell your patient her diagnosis.I would let the family sign as a witness,just to protect yourself.Everyone is so "sue" happy,you need to watch out for yourself.

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