Is it difficult to work as a nurse internationally?
I want to become an R.N. who works in the O.R. I am just compiling my options and I thought of the idea of working internationally, preferable an Asian country such as Singapore, Korea, Japan, etc, for the experience of living in a different country. How difficult would this be for someone? Can it be done right out of college? Would it be advisable to do so? as in work internationally for a couple of years (about 2-3, maybe more) then move back to the US? Is it hard to find work in a different country? How would one go about to finding a job in a different country? Do you have to move there first, or somehow land the job at home? Thank you for any information you can contribute.
Health Care - 2 Answers
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1 :
How you do this would depend on each individual country but first & foremost you would need experience. Then you would need to get a working visa which can be extremely hard to get. YOu could not just go to the country without one and look for work. You would also need to speak the language unless they spoke english, I doubt they would speak a foreign language just for you to understand & you would have to know medical terms in the foreign language as well as well as different drug names etc. Become a nurse first, get a few years experience & then see what is available. Things may be much different in 6+ years for you.
2 :
Diane is right, you will need experience as an RN berfore you can do such a thing. at least 1-3 years of experience will enable you to figure out what you want to do. there are carreers in travel nursing that you may want to consider too.
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